Valosed 0,05g №40 tablets
Composition: Dry extract of Valosed – 0,05 g (Valerian rhizome and roots – 3 part; Leonur grass – 3 part; Mint leaves – 2 part; Barambo grass – 2 part; Hop cones - 1 part; Hawthorn flowers -1 part);
Valosed has sedative spasmolitic, hypotensive, cardiotonic, anticonvulsant, antianginal effect, it increases delaying processes in neurons of cerebral subcortical and cortical structures, reduces reflective irritation in the central parts of nervous system, prolongs the action of sedatives, relieves the neuro- arrhythmias, dilates the brain vessels by reflex, reduces spasms of smooth muscles of the internal organs, increases the bile secretion, digestive glands secretion, peristaltic, regulates the fat and water-salt metabolism.
- Different types of neurosis, among them climacteric neurosis;
- Excitation, tenseness, fear;
- Migraines;
- Neuro-arrhythmias;
- Hypertensive Disease (I,II stage);
- Hepato-billiary tract disease (cholecystitis, cholangitis);
- Secretion function disorder of gastro intestinal tract;
- Meteorism, nausea.
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